Welcome to the Los Angeles Turners Society.
When the Turners came to the US they brought their ideas. Turnen, the German word for Gymnastics, was a part of them. Founded in 1811 in Berlin, Germany, at the ‘Hasenheide’ by ‘Turnvater’ Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, the Turner movement promoted physical and mental fitness, and spread all over Germany. The Turners brought Gymnastics from Germany with them across the Atlantic. In addition they formulated their goals. Here are the Turner Principles from 1871, that we still adhere to today:
We believe in
Liberty against all oppression
Tolerance against all fanaticism
Reason against all superstition
Justice against all exploitation
Free speech, a free press, free assembly for the discussion of all questions so men and women may think unfettered and order their lives by the dictates of conscience, which we strive to attain through a Sound Mind in a Sound Body
We endorse every effort to equalize conditions in our economic life to abolish class distinctions and maintain all human rights
We believe every human being should be accorded every opportunity to secure for him or herself by mental and physical labor a dignified and decent livelihood.
Latest News
DAV Maifest on May 7 2023 at Old World in Huntington Beach
07MayThe DAV will celebrate their Maifest on May 7 at Old World in Huntington [...]
Los Angeles Turners Karnevalisten in Germany
14FebThe LA Turners Karnevalisten will visit their friends in Köln and Krefeld (Germany) again and participate in the [...]
LA Turners Prinzengarde at GAMGA 2023
14JanAfter having our annual presentation at the GAMGA Gala in Las Vegas, our Prinzengarde is looking for additional [...]
January 2023: LA Turners Prinzenpaar at GAMGA
12JunThe Prinzenpaar of the Los Angeles Turners at GAMGA 2023: Seine Tollität Prinz Johan I. and Ihre Lieblichkeit [...]
Support the Los Angeles Turners
The Los Angeles Turners have always been an Organization with charitable giving, be it as owners of a Los Angeles Hospital in the last century, or today by helping to feed the needy. For the Los Angeles Turners giving is second nature, as well as promoting their German heritage and history. To help us help the needy, please consider giving to us, it is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
We support programs of physical fitness and provide food to adults and children in the Greater Los Angeles area.